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Want to know what an activist mindset looks like in action? Here's a selection of our case studies...

England Rugby: The Red Roses
England Rugby: The Red Roses
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The Ask

The Red Roses were the world's number one. England Rugby came to us to translate the performance off the pitch into presence in Gen Z culture.

The Action

Our strategy was simple - put the players front and centre of our campaign. With a team filled with big personalities, diverse backgrounds and amazing stories we invited media to train, watch and meet the Roses and soon enough, everyone from Elle to LADbible to Capital Xtra wanted a piece.

The Outcome

From double-digit growth in coverage YOY to 60% increase in game attendance to passing the men's team for 'positive impression' for the first time, the campaign really pushed women's rugby over the line for Gen Z.

Superdrug x
Superdrug x
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The Ask

As part of their Doing Good Feels Super campaign, Superdrug asked us to help make sustainable beauty relatable, accessible and fun for a progressive beauty consumer.

The Action

We connected Superdrug to female-led radio station to tackle the issues through an intersectional lens.They created sustainable beauty content through voices in travel, fashion and climate change activism.

The Outcome hosted a radio show, appeared on Superdrug TV, produced Instagram takeover and created instore radio sustainable beauty tips - showing millions of shoppers that a ‘progress not perfection’ mindset can make a big difference in helping the planet.

Smirnoff x LGBT Foundation
Smirnoff x LGBT Foundation - Soho Angels
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The Ask

As part of their Labels Are For Bottles campaign, Smirnoff tasked On the One with making nightlife a safer, more inclusive space for the LGBTQ+ community.


The Action

We partnered Smirnoff with charity LGBT Foundation to create Soho Angels - a street patrol of volunteers trained in harm reduction for the LGBTQ+ community in London.


The Outcome

2 lives saved, 60 volunteers trained, 600+ harm reduction preventions and 1000s of bartenders trained, the Soho Angels are now a permanent fixture on the streets of London. 


Winner of Best in Brand Purpose and Best Brand-Charity Collaboration at The Drum Awards.

UN Women x OT1: Active Listening Event
UN Women UK x OT1
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The Ask

UN Women had just announced their partnership with FIFA and needed to understand how they could effect meaningful change in football in the UK around the Women’s World Cup.


The Action

We created our first Active Listening event to bring UN Women closer to those leveling the playing field for gender equality in football. The live panel and audience featured activists, players, coaches, directors, journalists and fans and was hosted by our Cultural Strategy team.


The Outcome

UN Women took the learnings and insight from the panel to help inform the actions of their partnership strategy for football which continues in 2022 with the UEFA Women's Euros. Watch this space!

Smirnoff Equalising Music x Wireless
Smirnoff Equalising Music x Wireless
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The Ask

With not a single woman on the mainstage, the backlash was real for London’s Wireless Festival. Smirnoff asked us to shift the diversity dial by spotlighting some of underground music’s finest female talent at the Smirnoff House.


The Action

We partnered with underground radio station Rinse FM for three days of future female headliners including Lady Leshurr, Julie Adenuga, Girls of Grime and Barely Legal. The lineup also spoke up on air and to press on what needed to be done to tackle dance music’s diversity issue.


The Outcome

The announcement of the lineup sparked a national conversation including a debate on BBC Newsbeat, press in the Guardian, Daily Mail, Grazia, NME, New York Times and many more with 6.31M coverage views.

Guinness Hop House 13 x Hospitality Action

Guinness Hop House 13 x Hospitality Action
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The Ask

With a second lockdown St.Patrick’s Day on the horizon and their ‘Dublin Born & Brewed’ campaign about to launch, Guinness Hop House 13 came to us looking to looking to celebrate the creative diaspora of their home town whilst supporting a struggling hospitality industry in very difficult times.


The Action

We connected Guinness Hop House 13 to Hospitality Action who have been supporting industry workers in times of hardship since 1837 and have provided invaluable relief as the pandemic struck, and called in additional support from some of London’s best chefs with Dublin in their veins to create a truly memorable St.Patricks Day at home.


The Outcome

An at-home meal-kit for St. Patrick’s Day from three top Irish chefs Anna Haugh (Myrtle, BBC Food), Patrick Powell (Allegra) & Nicholas Fitzgerald (Tacos Padre) with bespoke dishes celebrating Dublin’s rich culture and local community and proceeds going to Hospitality Action to support those struggling in the worst hit parts of the industry.

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